Reid Losurt
- Segnala come inappropriata
This film captured the essence of the very real genocide that is happening to the so-called Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans, particularly the women. Hopefully this movie will bring more awareness and create a spark to reignite attention to the prevention of sex traffickers targeting our women.
- Segnala come inappropriata
This is a very important inde film on the MMIW on turtle island. Kali Reis has done an amazing job in this film, which I think is her first. we need more films like this. we need these issues addressed. although this is a movie, it highlights a very real, very huge issue that has gone unaddressed.
Jeff Thompson
- Segnala come inappropriata
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This movie is for someone much smarter than I, as I (plain and simple) did NOT understand it, specifically the ending. I don't want to write a spoiler, just suffice it to say the Trailer shows the entire movie. I fount it very slow and hard to watch. For $6.99 rental I was hoping for a much better movie than this. If this is all you have to watch, read a good book!!! The one other review is 5-Star, who did that person know in this movie??