Celeste And Jesse Forever

2012 • 92 minutos
610 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Celeste (Rashida Jones) and Jesse (Andy Samberg) are high school sweethearts who married young and are now at a crossroads at the age of thirty. While Celeste is a success in business, Jesse is unemployed and adrift. Celeste thinks that if they divorce now they could still remain friends. Jesse passively accepts the decision even though he is still in love with her. As reality sets in, Celeste slowly and painfully realizes she has been cavalier about their relationship, but her timing with Jesse is less than fortuitous.

Valoracións e recensións

610 recensións
Matthew Lahay
3 de decembro de 2016
This had me in tears and laughing out loud. This film was someone's love child and everyone from the actors to the editors shared the same vision and you can tell they had a blast making it. It is definitely not for everyone. The people who won't get it either can't relate to the characters (who are beyond charming), or they'll be put off or offended by the coarse and gritty stuff that they would rather judge than try to understand. Bravo to all involved. One of my new favorite movies!
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10 de febreiro de 2013
The soundtrack was great. I actually really enjoyed this film. Its one of the best relationship movies for a younger generation that I have seen. But with that said. I think the soundtrack was even better than the movie... lol (not really they were both great, but I did very much enjoy their musical selections! gonna go look up some of these songs now).
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Rudiel Siguenza
20 de xullo de 2014
With all the humor it is true if you did not seize the moment, you miss it. And regret does eat you up but when you learn to overcome it & move forward life becomes more rewarding with new experiences. Excellent performance from Rashida & Andy ( C+J )
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