Charlie's Farm

2014 • 92 minút
20 recenzií
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Tento film

When Charlie was a young boy, his serial killer family were murdered by a mob. Decades later, Charlie is now a monster of a man, still living at the family’s farm. A group of young people looking for a thrill, visit the farm and come face-to-face with the terrifying Charlie in this clever slasher genre reboot.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

20 recenzií
Emma Deagan
30. októbra 2021
wasn't too bad, would say lve seen better though. But still a good horror abit like wrong turn movies. make u wanting more till the end of this one, shame they all died.
Odd 1
7. júla 2015
Don't waste your money, oh and thanks to the other two reviews for helping me waste mine.
4. septembra 2016
What a stupid dumb phuked up movie, could have at least killed the ugly retarded phucker.
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