Easier with Practice

2010 • 103 minutes
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About this movie

"In an attempt to promote his unpublished novel, Davy Mitchell sets out on a road trip with his younger, looser brother Sean. But the trip soon proves to be a lonely and unfulfilling experience for Davy, whose discordant relationship with his brother seems impossible to reconcile.

One night in his motel room, the phone rings. It’s a woman called Nicole, who invites Davy to have phone sex with her. They do.

So starts the love story of Nicole and Davy; their relationship builds to a point amid intermittent phone calls, but Davy is impatient to meet her and take their relationship to the next level. Can a random phone sex call build into a relationship? Can love exist if the two people have never met?

Easier With Practice is a stunning debut film from Kyle Patrick Alvarez, a film he both directs and scripts. The story unfolds like a compulsive yarn, which keeps you tied to this enigmatic film until its surprising and satisfying conclusion."
Quoting the description from the 2009 Galway Film Fleadh