City of Angels

1998 • 114 minút
468 recenzií
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Tento film

Love story between a female doctor (Ryan) and a heavenly angel (Cage). When Cage finds out that he can be seen by Ryan, he longs to give up his immortality to become human. Once he becomes human, he realizes the true meaning of love, and with that, the consequences of the fragile nature of life around him. MPAA Rating: PG-13 (c) 1998 Warner Bros. Productions Limited, Monarchy Enterprises, B.V. and Regency Entertainment (USA), Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

468 recenzií
Mr Fox
30. novembra 2014
It may be in German, but the original Wings Of Desire made more sense and had better actors ultimately better movie all around. This Cage, Ryan sappy mindless roller coaster ride of deadpan emotions felt like a broken magic fingers bed at $20 a nite $5 deposit on the sheets motor inn complete with stains of unknown origin on the carpet. Watch with the expectation of a tooth extraction directly at the end and you may feel it was an ok movie when no dentist knocks on your door.
11 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
full metal horseman
25. júla 2020
Oh yes christians, whine and moan about how this doesnt happen in the bible. You know you sound like star wars and comic book fans? Its a book and this is a movie, learn a lesson and maybe feel an emotion or two.
8 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
April Adams
19. februára 2016
I think it was good . I guess after I lost my husband I wanted to believe maybe he was my Angel I miss you Tony I love you forever and a were my best friend you really understood .