City of Lies

2021 • 112 minutos
4 recensións
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Acerca desta película

Los Angeles Police Department detective Russell Poole (Johnny Depp) has spent years trying to solve his biggest case - the murders of The Notorious B.I.G. and Tupac Shakur - but after two decades, the investigation remains open. Jack Jackson (Forest Whitaker), a reporter desperate to save his reputation and career, is determined to find out why. In search of the truth, the two team up and unravel a growing web of institutional corruption and lies.

Valoracións e recensións

4 recensións
roisin byrne
4 de maio de 2021
Excellent movie. Wonderful to see Johnny Depp back on screen, and great to see him working with Forest Whitaker. They make a great team. Absolutely loved this movie.
3 persoas consideraron que esta recensión é útil
Helen O Dwyer
3 de maio de 2021
Really enjoyed this. Forest Whitaker & Johnny Depp are excellent. Great to see them together in a movie
Ted Foster
5 de maio de 2021