Cleveland Abduction

2015 • 87 мүнөт
204 сын-пикир
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Азырынча кыргыз тилинде коштолгон видео да, коштомо жазуулар да жок. Коштомо жазуулар төмөнкү тилдерде жеткиликтүү: англисче, англисче (Кошмо Штаттар), англисче (Улуу Британия), арабча, болгарча, венгерче, голландча, грекче, датча, ивритче, испанча (Испания), испанча (Латын Америкасы), италиянча (Италия), корейче, кытайча (Жөнөкөйлөштүрүлгөн), кытайча (Салттуу), немисче (Германия), норвежче, орусча, полякча, португалча (Бразилия), португалча (Португалия), словакча, словенче, тайча, украинче, финче, французча (Франция), чехче жана шведче

Бул кино тууралуу

A single mother who becomes the first victim of kidnapper Ariel Castro finds herself trapped in his home for 11 years, where she eventually becomes a friend and sister to two other women who are taken captive by Castro. Based on the true story.
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Баалар жана сын-пикирлер

204 сын-пикир
Elizabeth Chandler
2015-ж., 15-август
It was so sad and hurtfull when I watched it how could they call then sells men they are hurtful inside Manny ways they did the girls and added one more and turn and have a baby form on of other hotels he's to brothers will have to live for what they doin to the young women they didbrong. All the brothers will have love with this the feast of their life and no Burberry should ever be given to them except sorry for the way they did lick them up and thought the key away for ever so these young alleys can ffff
5 адам бул сын-пикирди пайдалуу деп белгиледи
Devon Devon
2015-ж., 22-август
It could have been better. There wasn't much to the plot and the charters didn't seem all that convincing plus it wasn't realistic that the nieghbors wouldn't hear the girls. But I did think the last girl plot was inventive.
1 адам бул сын-пикирди пайдалуу деп белгиледи
Jessica Papasodora
2015-ж., 21-август
Been waiting to see this for a while. I was always curious about Michelle's story because she was there the longest. But wish they would have added a little more on Amanda and Gina. But over all a must see.