Clifford The Big Red Dog

2021 • 96 minút
22 recenzií
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Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Titulky sú dostupné v jazykoch Angličtina, Francúzština (Francúzsko), Španielčina a Španielčina (Latinská Amerika).

Tento film

When Emily discovers her little red puppy named Clifford has grown ten-feet overnight, she turns to her eccentric Uncle Casey for help. But when a mad scientist tries to capture the larger-than-life playful pup, it takes the entire neighborhood to hide Clifford as they race across the city. Get ready for the incredible, laugh-out-loud comedy adventure that is BIG fun for the entire family!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

22 recenzií
Sophia A Raghunanan
9. januára 2022
Both my boyfriend and I went to see this at the cinema when it was first released in the UK. It was good with the plot, characters, and locations in the film. The only drawback from this is that I was slightly disappointed that the director and the rest of the film crew didn't decided to add the old theme song to the opening or closing credits of this film as it could have bought back memories when I was a child whenever I had a chance to watch the animated TV series.
Hunter of The Shadows
4. júna 2022
I would've been interested but Jack Whitehall, no thank you
the bun
14. marca 2022
Good movie. Abit cheesy at times but still good.