It may be hard to follow and understand, but so is life and the meaning it holds. The first time we watched it we were put off and frustrated during the first 20 min. It can be confusing as you are being introduced to all the timelines and characters in them. Focus on the small details, especially a birthmark that each person in all the different timelines share with one another. It will tell you who the protagonist of that specific story is. Cloud Atlas is amazing and better with each viewing
Kevin the Cleric
Cloud Atlas - at first glance can come off as an over pretentious, self inflated ego trip. But the story isn't in order for a reason. Something that becomes more clear as the movie plays out, and is better on the second viewing. If you pay attention, you will love this movie. If you are looking for a movie with alot of action, watch something else.
Andrew Barnett
honestly i loved this movie... it is really not a movie to half watch and half play on your phone. if you get absorbed in it, it is really cool. the same actors playing different characters is a bit immersion breaking but i treated it like a series short stories told out in a playhouse.