Evanthe Lindenau
Copied from another review because it's true.... Save your money and watch the exact same movie for free on Netflix called "In order of Disappearance" including stunt scenes but better acting only caveat is you'll have to watch it in English subtitles since its a foreign film but you'll save 14.99. I like Liam but he did not make this looser of a movie better and neither did the remake of a decent movie.... it's worse than the original film. I kept saying to myself... " I think I saw this years ago??!!" but I thought it was a good movie then.....that's because it wasn't this movie and it was better.
Allen Perez
- แจ้งว่าไม่เหมาะสม
- แสดงประวัติของรีวิว
The trailer made it look like it was going to be somewhat comedic. It wasn't, but I could forgive the misrepresentation if it was actually entertaining to watch. The characters were cartoon-like, over-the-top. The film took itself way too seriously and was just plain corny. It just seemed to drag on; I was ready for it to be over about halfway through. Bad movie.
17 คนพบว่ารีวิวนี้มีประโยชน์
Itz Schmitty
I'm not one to hate on liam's movies. hes an amazing actor and I usually love his movies, for instance the taken series was AMAZING! but Cold Pursuit put me asleep faster than Nyquil...