A Google user
When I rented this movie, I was looking forward to a action packed revenge themed movie. What I got was The Professional with discount versions of the original cast and a story about what Natalie Portman's Matilda might have grown up to be. While the action scenes were good, they were few and far between. There were scenes that hinted of There were scenes that hinted of character development, but they were scarce, disjointed and had no subtext to build any sort of reference or sympathy for the main character. This movie needs polish and a good rewrite to be considered good.
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Derrick Wayne Jackson
This was a well written work. Cateleya's whole meaning in life became REVENGE. Her name, the Cateleya flower, symbolized life blooming but dying when it is picked. It seemed like she was making in love in a way to her parent's killers and the FBI/Police investigators who were after her. She wanted them DEAD for Raping her and taking something(Her Virginity & Her Family) that she was supposed to Cherish Forever.
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A Google user
Okay I like Zoe and all but this movie was pretty terrible. It was totally disjointed and I thought they did alot of things for the sake of entertainment nothing wrong with that but I need it to make sense. For instance they show her swimming in a shark infested tank. Cool right? but how did she get in there from the outside of the home and ultimately why? Also her relationship with Michael Vartan was odd, hot yes but I am thinking that upon leanrning of her career choice his fiirst conversation would include something other than"I am so sorry" the cops came to get you and I caused it "are you all right?" We never even found out where she met this guy or ultimately any background on her father to bring everything that came next. That being said I really enjoyed the action sequences with the little girl. Again no background on why she knew parkour.
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