Conan the Destroyer

1984 • 101 minutes
312 reviews
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About this movie

Arnold Schwarzenegger returns with a vengeance in the sword and sorcery adventure Conan the Destroyer. The powerful hero Conan (Arnold Schwarzenegger) has been commissioned by evil Queen Taramis (Sarah Douglas) to safely escort a teen princess (Olivia D'Abo) and her bodyguard (Wilt Chamberlain) to the magic Horn of Dagon. Conan soon discovers, however, that the queen plans to sacrifice the princess when she returns and inherit her kingdom. Now he and an unusual group of allies — including the eccentric wizard Akiro (Mako) and the wild woman Zula (Grace Jones) — must defeat both mortal and supernatural foes in an epic, sword-wielding battle with the fate of the entire world at stake.

Ratings and reviews

312 reviews
Emperor Victor von Doom
January 8, 2014
that should have never been made, let alone released to the viewing public. It is a mockery of its predecessor, & a travesty to the memories of the works of Robert E. Howard. It is rife with tongue-and-cheek, something the novels were surely not. As with many works directors rip apart several original works & smash them into one movie. Hence this film. It was aptly named, "the Destroyer"; decades before another was made! All involved in its production should be deeply embarrassed & ashamed of themselves.
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Leroy Williams
November 22, 2020
Love this movie for the action and the swords. Good entertainment if u just watch without thinking of the 1st film. E.T. and universal studios are the reason the movie went another direction. Universal studios demanded a PG rating on the 2nd film. This meant most blood all sex had to go and be replaced with magic. Arnold himself did not like this idea but was under contract.
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Mike Young
March 11, 2018
Goofy sequel but still worth watching if you like Arnold. According to AS there were some R rated scenes with him and Olivia D'abo that didn't make it into the movie. I've always wondered if they still existed somewhere. Oh what could of been if Milius had made a sequel or two.
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