Emperor Victor von Doom
that should have never been made, let alone released to the viewing public. It is a mockery of its predecessor, & a travesty to the memories of the works of Robert E. Howard. It is rife with tongue-and-cheek, something the novels were surely not. As with many works directors rip apart several original works & smash them into one movie. Hence this film. It was aptly named, "the Destroyer"; decades before another was made! All involved in its production should be deeply embarrassed & ashamed of themselves.
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Leroy Williams
Love this movie for the action and the swords. Good entertainment if u just watch without thinking of the 1st film. E.T. and universal studios are the reason the movie went another direction. Universal studios demanded a PG rating on the 2nd film. This meant most blood all sex had to go and be replaced with magic. Arnold himself did not like this idea but was under contract.