
2021. • 85 perc
11 vélemény
Böngészőben vagy támogatott eszközökön nézheted meg További információ
Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

Troy (Steve Zahn),is a troubled but well-intentioned father who has recently separated from his wife Sally (Jillian Bell). Aghast at Sally's refusal to let their trans son Joe (Sasha Knight) live as his authentic self, Troy runs off with Joe into the Montana wilderness. Meanwhile police detective (Ann Dowd) pursues them, but her resolve about the case is tested the more she learns about Joe's family.

Értékelések és vélemények

11 vélemény
2021. február 16.
Horrible liberal woke garbage. Don't watch this. Google keeps deleting my review, just some more big tech censorship.
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Ian Salvatore
2021. május 3.
This made me feel warm inside. Anna Kerrigan is a genius, I can't wait for more of her films!
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Levi DeHaan
2021. február 17.
This is sick. Promoting kidnapping of children, brainwashing and incompetent parenting, who let's their child with an unformed mind make life decisions. Why not tattos and while we're at it, they're responsible enough to do drugs and alcohol right? Who thinks like this? What happened to you?
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