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Crocodile Dundee II

1988 • 111 daqiqa
13 ta sharh
Reytinglar va sharhlar tasdiqlanmagan  Batafsil
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Paul Hogan is definitely the funniest character who ever took a bite out of The Big Apple in "CROCODILE" DUNDEE II. Just as the eccentric Australian is starting to adjust to life in New York City. Dundee and his beautiful girlfriend (Linda Kozlowski) are targeted for death by a gang of ruthless drug dealers. Dundee evens the odds by leading the big-city hoods into the treacherous Australian outback. And before long, the bad guys find out that Down Under could mean six feet down under! If you liked "CROCODILE DUNEE" you're going to love "CROCODILE" DUNDEE II!
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Reytinglar va sharhlar

13 ta sharh
Warren Stu
14-fevral, 2020
Not as good as the first but still bags of fun..
James Kiely
28-dekabr, 2021
Loves these films