
1989 • 86 წუთი
68 მიმოხილვა
უყურეთ ვებ-ბრაუზერში ან მხარდაჭერილ მოწყობილობებზე შეიტყვეთ მეტი
აუდიო და სუბტიტრები თქვენს ენაზე მიუწვდომელია. ხელმისაწვდომია ინგლისური სუბტიტრები.

ამ ფილმის შესახებ

In the barbaric, plague-ridden wasteland of the 21st century, a beautiful half-human cyborg carries information that can save civilization. But only the strength and cunning of a lone warrior (Jean-Claude Van Damme) can deliver her -- and her vital data from the clutches of the unspeakable Flesh Pirates!

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68 მიმოხილვა
Dakota Bland
21 ივნისი, 2019
I like this movie and I think JCVD actually was pretty good in it and I thought the dirty chick that tried to help him was descent along with the girl that played his adopted or step daughter (WHATEVER) but I really didn't care for the cyborg lady or some of the butt pirates or whatever they were especially the over the top freak of a leader the movie would have ended much sooner if he would have fought Van Damme before he got exhausted fighting all of his little rump wrangler minions....
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Jamie Gibbs
30 ნოემბერი, 2019
Very good Post Apocalyptic landscape, populated by murderous, muscled mad maxes. The fight scenes are endless and well staged. Van Damme has a great look in this. His spikey locks, styled with dirt and dust. His sidekick girl is thick as af and gets naked at the beach. Warchild from Point Break is the main bad guy named Fender. He is totally ripped and has crazy Meg Foster eyes. This film is not for everyone. It's a lot like a western. There's little to no dialog, just non-stop action: poetry👍
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23 მაისი, 2022
Classic JCVD!! This film was always one of my favourites even if it does have a few flaws.
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