Damo & Ivor: The Movie

2018 • 90 minút
7 recenzií
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Tento film

Damo and Ivor are well-known characters from the massively popular satirical comedy about the lives of two identical twin brothers separated not long after birth. One of the boys, Damo, is left to grow up on the mean streets of Dublin to be raised by his maternal Grandmother, Grano, while the other, Ivor, is given a life of wealth and luxury in Dublin's affluent Foxrock by parents who shower their son with money and little else. Damo and Ivor: The Movie sees the duo embark on the mother of all adventures across Ireland to find the last piece of their family puzzle, their long-lost brother John Joe.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

7 recenzií
reggaesweet music for the people
8. septembra 2018
Fantastic little film well done andy your so funny as johnjoe great acting all round
Používateľ služieb Google
25. januára 2019
Absolutely brilliant love the series but the movie was very good
Dean Doyle
17. januára 2020
The movie is so funny there have to make damo and ivor the movie 2