Darwin & the Beagle's Scandal

2019 • 44 minutes
1 avis
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À propos de ce film

Before he wrote the book that revolutionized the way people understood evolution, a young Charles Darwin found himself, by chance, on a strange sea voyage. This is the story of the HMS Beagle, which traveled from Great Britain to survey South America's coastline, but also became part of its captain's flawed social experiment. It's a tale of bold exploration, tragic miscalculation, the death of a civilization, and the birth of Darwinism.

Notes et avis

1 avis
Robert Garcia
28 sánzá ya mínei 2020
Great documentary about the history of the Beagle. This documentary focuses on the events prior to Darwin's arrival to the Galapagos island. It provides background information about Darwin, the Beagle, captain FitzRoy (the man in charge of the expedition and the captain of the Beagle) and fuegians from Tierra del Fuego (indigenous tribe native to the Americas).
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