Deadly Switch

२०१९ • ८६ मिनेट
यो भिडियो वेब ब्राउजर वा यो एप चल्ने डिभाइसहरूमा हेर्नुहोस् थप जान्नुहोस्
तपाईंको भाषामा न त अडियो न उप-शीर्षकहरू उपलब्ध छन्‌। अङ्ग्रेजी मा उप-शीर्षकहरू उपलब्ध छन्‌।

यस चलचित्रका बारेमा

When a foreign exchange student, Ana (Hayley McLaughlin), studying abroad in America becomes the target of a dangerous stalker, she accepts the invitation to move in with her roommate’s family in their idyllic town. But as she begins to uncover the family’s dark secrets, this stranger in a strange land realizes she may never get out of the seemingly perfect place alive.

यस चलचित्रको मूल्याङ्कन गर्नुहोस्

हामीलाई आफ्नो धारणा बताउनुहोस्।