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2016年 • 108分
4.21万 件のレビュー
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Hold onto your chimichangas, folks. From the studio that brought you all 3 Taken films comes the block-busting, fourth-wall-breaking masterpiece about Marvel Comics’ sexiest anti-hero! Starring God’s perfect idiot Ryan Reynolds and a bunch of other "actors," DEADPOOL is a giddy slice of awesomeness packed with more twists than Deadpool’s enemies’ intestines and more action than prom night. Amazeballs!


4.21万 件のレビュー
Юмор и шуточки для школьников. Сюжет как и во всех фильмах марвел по плану: жил парень, потом что-то плохое случилось,кто-то его подталкивает создать из себя "нечеловека" он становиться супергероем и пошло-поехало. Звездочку за некоторую оригинальность, скорее неординарность. К марвелу отношусь положительно, но почему все так расхваливают этот фильм.
1,754 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Even if you don't follow Deadpool comics, this film is has everything you'd want for a good flick. Wade Wilson was tailor-made for Ryan Reynolds, so much so that Reynolds only had to play himself which in this unusual case, is a very good thing. The action is good, the story is simple but engaging even if it feels slightly fragmented. The jokes are funny enough and the fourth-wall breaks are appropriate without being cheesy. Though not for everyone, Deadpool the movie will appeal to most.
871 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました
Andrew S
So somebody gave you an experimental treatment, and it succeed. You are cure of terminal cancer and got supernatural power. You can't be dead and it's cool. You are vengeful because you can't accept you have scars all over face and body, and expect your girlfriend (and the world) will reject you. Your ultimate mission in life becomes killing the person who cured your cancer, gave your superpower, but made you feel ashamed of yourself. What's so cool about this story?! It is also not cool if I can't expect somebody to die in any way, like the superman, and there are almost no vulnerabilities. Everything is very expected in this movie, and it's just ok.
7,087 人のユーザーが、このレビューが役立ったと評価しました

