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2016 • 108 daqiqa
1,97 ming ta sharh
MA15+ (15+)
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

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Hold onto your chimichangas, folks. From the studio that brought you all 3 Taken films comes the block-busting, fourth-wall-breaking masterpiece about Marvel Comics’ sexiest anti-hero! Starring God’s perfect idiot Ryan Reynolds and a bunch of other "actors," DEADPOOL is a giddy slice of awesomeness packed with more twists than Deadpool’s enemies’ intestines and more action than prom night. Amazeballs!
Yoshga oid cheklov
MA15+ (15+)

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1,97 ming ta sharh
Allan Couceiro
9-iyul, 2016
Stylised violence at its worst, accompanied by tiring monkey chatter from Reynolds and co. Weak premise on which the plot is built (would rather let his true love think him dead, than let her see him with anything less than a pretty face. What the?..) Is it possible to give no stars? No stars.
48 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
29-may, 2016
Smutty, gratuitous and self congratulatory. Deadpool is more comedy spoof than 'super hero' movie. It has far too many 4th wall breaks to get into the story and I could care less for the characters.
40 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
Samuel Varvodic
6-dekabr, 2016
After all the excitement we all had for the release of this movie I had high hopes and expectations yet the movie failed to deliver. I won't say that it's bad and I did enjoy it but I don't really think it's what any of us wanted it to be. In the end I couldn't understand why people were so excited about it.
1 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan