Death Wish

2018 • 106 minút
737 recenzií
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Tento film

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures presents director Eli Roth's reimagining of the 1974 revenge thriller "Death Wish." Dr. Paul Kersey (Bruce Willis) is a surgeon who only sees the aftermath of his city's violence when it is rushed into his ER – until his wife (Elisabeth Shue) and college-age daughter (Camila Morrone) are viciously attacked in their suburban home. With the police overloaded with crimes, Paul, burning for revenge, hunts his family's assailants to deliver justice. As the anonymous slayings of criminals grabs the media’s attention, the city wonders if this deadly avenger is a guardian angel or a grim reaper. Fury and fate collide in the intense, action-thriller "Death Wish."

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737 recenzií
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25. augusta 2018
Rented out of curiosity, and boredom late last night as i had seen the original Bronson movies. Highly recommended as a sleep aid - helped me doze off. Just another squint a bit, ramble off a few lines, performance, all consistent with the BW brand. SS original comments were spot on... it shows. Sad to say but the largely horizontal, comatose daughters performance was the highlight. Too bad they didn't have a dog to steal the show....
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Jamie Gibbs
28. novembra 2020
3 1/2 🌟 Don't believe the naysayers. This is the most entertaining I've seen Bruce Willis in a long while. While not a classic by any means, still a satisfying movie going experience. Had me so excited and thrilled during the action scenes. Nice pay-off at the end. Well done 👍
JEREMY Molonlabe
24. júna 2018
This movie has too much of a hidden agenda for me to appreciate. 1) posters in police station said to turn in your guns! It's one has listened obviously as they are the murder capital of the great US of A! 2) The SJW talking about how she posted it to social media and has thousands of hits already! No point in pointing out more,'s a poorly acted movie with a liberal agenda! If this family had guns in the house they may, MAY have been able to defend themselves and rid the world from a few more scumbags who use these SAFE HAVEN cities as a criminal playground! Screw liberals and arm up America because it's only getting worse!
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