Death to Smoochy

2002 • 109 minut
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Zvuk ani titulky nejsou k dispozici ve vašem jazyce. Dostupné jazyky titulků: Angličtina, Dánština, Finština, Francouzština (Francie), Indonéština, Italština, Nizozemština, Norština, Polština, Portugalština (Portugalsko), Ruština, Thajština, Turečtina, Čínština (tradiční), Čínština (zjednodušené), Řečtina, Španělština a Švédština.

O tomto filmu

Randolph Smiley (Robin Williams) had it all. As Rainbow Randolph, star of children's TV, there was a Manhattan penthouse, billboard on Times Square, cars, boats ... and bribes from stage parents to put their kids on his program. Busted and reviled, Randolph is a star no more. Enter Sheldon Mopes (Edward Norton) and his alter ego Smoochy, a puffy, fuscia rhinoceros. Kids love Smoochy's innocence and unrelenting ethics. Now Smoochy has the penthouse, billboard and smooth-talking agent (Danny DeVito). But Sheldon quickly learns that children's television is a dangerous, backstabbing world--but his biggest problem is Rainbow Randolph, who, broke and homeless, has sworn Death to Smoochy.