Deep Blue Sea 3

2020 • 100 minút
21 recenzií
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Tento film

Welcome to Little Happy, a tiny man-made island in the Mozambique Channel that’s home to a flourishing nursery of marine life, where Great Whites come to mate and give birth every year. This peaceful conservatory is overseen by Emma Collins and her team of environmentalists, determined to continue her late father’s legacy. This idyllic existence comes to an abrupt end, however, when Emma’s ex-boyfriend arrives on the hunt for three bull sharks accused of butchering a half-dozen people. Their mother Bella was genetically engineered to be smarter and far more destructive. As the body count rises it becomes clear that Bella’s offspring have inherited her enhancements, and if free to mate, will mark the end of life as we know it. Dive in for the deadliest, bloodiest return to the deep blue sea yet!

Hodnotenia a recenzie

21 recenzií
Ben Collins
30. júla 2020
Without even comparing this movie to the first Deep Blue Sea this was a poor effort. It was closer to a "take off" with the ridiculous attempt to make a situation tense. I loved Deep Blue Sea I only watched this all the way through because I wanted to give it a chance but don't waste $19.99 on this. Wait till its less than 5 bucks to watch after you have watched every other movie for sale.
Greg Spence
16. septembra 2020
I believe the negative comemnts the first movie was good the 2nd okay i only watched the shorts for the 3 rd that was enough for me total garbage and bad acting . if you give this movie a great rating your smoking meth
Christine L
2. novembra 2020
I keep waiting for a action packed, thrilling new shark movie ever since I watched Jaws & this isn't it. Boring, predictable & slow.