Deepwater Horizon

2016. • 107 perc
2,72 E vélemény
Szülői felügyelet nélkül csak 13 év felettieknek
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Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

Mark Wahlberg leads an all-star cast in this unforgettably powerful film inspired by a thrilling story of real-life heroes. For the one hundred and twenty-six people aboard the Deepwater Horizon offshore oil rig, April 20, 2010, began like any normal day. Before day’s end, the world would bear witness to one of the greatest man-made disasters in U.S. history. Deepwater Horizon reveals the brave acts of the men and women who rose to the challenge—and risked everything to lead others to safety.
Szülői felügyelet nélkül csak 13 év felettieknek

Értékelések és vélemények

2,72 E vélemény
Egy Google-felhasználó
2017. február 2.
This movie is based on lies about the BP oilspill. These people, including Mark Wahlberg, made a Anti-capitalist propaganda film to make idiots like my mom believe that it was the fault of those executives at the company. Here are the facts: 1. The Executives didn't know this kind of thing would happen. 2. The Executives were being charged with manslaughter, when in reality they were doing THEIR JOB. 3. After the Oilspill, Obama didn't do squat. He just lied to the public to shift the blame on BP, when in fact it was the Government's fault for not doing anything about it. 4. You can not blame an industry for all the social ills we have because that is ignorant. Capitalism is the only Economic system that works. It is the Free Market that has led to creating Jobs and Wealth, It has brought true Freedom to the American Way of Life, and has other benefits to add to the list (World Peace, Discouraging Discrimination, Helping the Poor, Protecting the Environment, and Abolishing Slavery). So before you go into a movie based on lies and nonsense like this movie, please do your research before you believe the lies that have been presented in this movie. Greed is Good.
37 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
Kirby Houston (GameBuddha)
2017. március 18.
This was I really solid movie. It does a whole lot to keep you intrigued by the story of it and Mark Wahlberg (hope I spelled that right) does an amazing job acting the roll of the actual man that was in the real life incident Of "Deep Water Horizon" itself. I feel everyone would enjoy this one. 👍
Brandon woj
2017. február 12.
It's really a 3.5 star if you ask me. It did pass as entertaining, and if that is all you need, then no need to keep reading review. The biggest problem really is that we all know what happens. Nothing unpredictable happens other than birds hitting wind shields. For this reason I prefer fictional films.