Designing Woman

1957 • 112 minút
14 recenzií
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Tento film

Screen legends Gregory Peck ("To Kill a Mockingbird," "Gentleman's Agreement") and Lauren Bacall ("The Big Sleep," "Murder on the Orient Express") respectively portray a sports writer and a fashion designer who marry and come to realize they have nothing in common. Winner of an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay, this acclaimed comedy offers a hilarious look at the institution of marriage. Directed by Oscar-winner Vincente Minnelli ("Gigi," "An American in Paris"). With TV's frustrated Maytag repairman, Jesse White, and Chuck Connors (TV's "The Rifleman"). MPAA Rating: NOTRATED Copyright © 1957 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

14 recenzií
Mike Young
4. marca 2014
Great fun, a newspaper man hiding from thugs, babysitting a punchy ex-fighter married to a fashion designer with a hilarious class of cultures. It'll surprise you and entertain you each time you see it again.
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