Chris Meledandri and his acclaimed filmmaking team at Illumination Entertainment create an all-new animated adventure featuring the return of (former?) super-villain Gru (Steve Carell), his adorable girls, the unpredictably hilarious minions...and a host of new and outrageously funny characters. Once Gru leaves behind a life of super crime to raise Margo, Edith and Agnes, he and the Minions have some free time on their hands. But just as he starts to adjust to his role as a suburban family man, an ultra-secret organization dedicated to fighting evil on a global scale comes knocking. Now, it's up to Gru and his new partner, Lucy (Kristen Wiig), to find out who is responsible for a series of spectacular crimes. After all, it takes the world's greatest ex-villain to catch the one vying to take his place. (Original Title - Despicable Me 2)