
2016 • 83 minut
162 recenzí
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O tomto filmu

A young Civil War veteran named Jackson wakes up to find his beautiful wife kidnapped by a band of ruthless bandits. With killers around every corner, the lines begin to blur between who the good and the bad are, including Jackson. As a final gunfight looms for our hero and he is asked to risk it all to save the woman he loves, this action-packed western takes twists and turns that will break even the hardest of hearts.

Hodnocení a recenze

162 recenzí
Uživatel Googlu
7. ledna 2019
Scott Eastwood is a solid all-around great actor. maybe even surpassing his father which in my book was one of the all-time greats. I am a big Western buff. my grandfather started me watching them when I was little around 1970 and I've been hooked ever since. I hope this style of movie making Never Dies long into the future
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27. ledna 2016
Watched this the night after watching "exposed" thought I lost my mind after watching both. Terrible movie, Kills everyone that helps him. Gives the secret out to early.
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Vicki Kyle
14. ledna 2016
watched the movie in it's entirety. still lost. was expecting at least a finality to see who's the real Diablo.was it the roadside killer or was it the man looking for his wife?
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