Dino King

2012年 • 88 分钟
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Meet Speckles. He's a Tarbosaurus, and lives a happy life in his forest home with his mom and siblings. Until one day, as he's just learning to hunt, he encounters One-Eye, a Tyrannosaur looking for a new place to live. His herd is attacked, leaving poor Speckles alone in the world. But when he meets Blue Eyes, another lonely and lost Tarbosaur, they become close companions - and then, over time, a family of their own.


Patrick Conte
You grow real emotional attachment to sparkles, and then your heart is ripped out of your chest and then you get castrated by Saddam Hussein. I am an EMT and a firefighter, I have scene truly awful things in my time. This movie however, takes the cake. This is the single most depressing thing I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. If you are a happy person like myself you will hate life and never wish to go outside ever again. Do NOT let children watch this movie! Manson films are far more suited for a child
27 人认为该评价有用
Hope Ryan
If you are considering showing this to your children, first explain the Shakespearean idea of tragedy. Death and sadness. This is only minorly redemptive, minor. It shows the main character's family being killed, then his wife, and his children. Yikes! Really? Not a feel good show. My kids talk about "that tragic dino movie" they watched. There are so many great movies to watch. Skip this one. Awful. Awful. Not for kids.
15 人认为该评价有用
Only Anonymous
I like the graphics. You really grow to care about the main character, Speckles, and you feel his emotions through the film. There are some happy, but a lot of sad parts as well. I would recommend watching with your children as the topic of death is a sensitive one, even if it's about Dino families. Better for older elementary school aged kids. It's included in Netflix and free on YouTube.