Dirty 30

2016 • 87 minút
45 recenzií
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Tento film

Lifelong friends Kate (Mamrie Hart), Evie (Grace Helbig) and Charlie (Hannah Hart) are in a rut. On the eve of Kate's 30th birthday, she agrees to let Evie and Charlie throw her a party. But what's supposed to be a simple celebration becomes a wild who's who of past and present, and things quickly spiral out of control.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

45 recenzií
Tarik Sehovic
9. novembra 2016
This movie was the perfect choice. Provided very little substance story or climax. This made it incredibly easy to get distracted ;)
22. mája 2017
Mamrie Hart and Grace Helbig write great comedy. Always happy to watch these talented women, especially with their own amazing material. Mamrie Hart in a La-Z-Boy commercial kinda weirds me out, but Mamrie Hart acting in her own projects is totally believable and funny.
Elisabeth Fortin
29. septembra 2016
I loved it! I would recommend it to everybody. It's a really great movie for anyone, especially if you watch a lot of YouTube because you get to see a lot of people you will recognize. The movie has a really great message and it is really heartwarming. I already loved Mamrie, Grace and Hannah, but I love them even more after seeing this! I have seen Camp Takota and now Dirty 30, and I will certainly watch their other movies if they eventually make them.