Discovering Bigfoot

2017年 • 110 分钟
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Journey into the heart of Sasquatch Country with Todd Standing ("Survivorman Bigfoot"). Experience three incredible days in the field with bigfoot researchers and experts as they encounter a real life Sasquatch.


Shawn Scott
I feel like I must start off saying that I do believe that there is a large hair covered bipedal hominid in different places all over the world. With that being said, I don’t believe that’s what you’ll see in this documentary. I can’t help but think that Todd Standing may have hoaxed the footage that actually shows the faces of these beings. One of them looks like a muppet while the other looks too good to be true. This is a great documentary up until that point; if you can deal with Standing’s zealousness. He wants so badly to be the one to prove that Bigfoot is real, every noise that’s made is a Sasquatch. He’s also very pushy towards the actual experts when he presents any evidence to them. The documentary is definitely worth a watch but I’m not sure about a rewatch so I give it 3.75/5 stars. Not bad at all.
Google 用户
It definitely makes you consider the possibilities! I believed in this since I was a kid and first saw the movie "The Legend of Boggy Creek". It makes sense that there is more than enough room for these beings to exist. Way too many sightings from reputable sources such as game wardens and police officials to be a hoax. That is not to say hoaxers aren't responsible for some of the sightings. But to be walking around in a gorilla suit during hunting season in the middle of the wilderness is really taking your life in your hands. Suicide Really. Especially in the weary hours of the early morning like 2-4am? Also too many cultures around the world without ever communicating with one another describing the same being almost identical?? 4 stars. Worth watching.
Ryan Peck
He wanted to get Bigfoot as a protected species, but didn't detail his efforts, he just ran around the forest like a spazz and showed some questionable evidence. He mentioned a Cree elder being involved, but there was none. It was really poorly done overall.
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