Disney's A Christmas Carol

2009. • 95 minuta
728 recenzija
R (ograničeno; mlađi od 18 godina moraju biti pod nadzorom roditelja ili staratelja)
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Za vaš jezik nije dostupan audiozapis ni titlovi. Titlovi su dostupni za Engleski, Indonezijski, Malajski, Tajlandski, Turski i Španjolski (Latinska Amerika).

O ovom filmu

Ebenezer Scrooge (Jim Carrey) begins the Christmas holiday with his usual miserly contempt, barking at his faithful clerk (Gary Oldman) and his cheery Nephew (Colin Firth). But when the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet To Come take him on an eye-opening journey revealing truths old scrooge is reluctant to face, he must open his heart to undo years of ill will before it's too late.
R (ograničeno; mlađi od 18 godina moraju biti pod nadzorom roditelja ili staratelja)

Ocjene i recenzije

728 recenzija
Amy Reid
23. prosinca 2020.
This movie was too scary for my kids, and I thought it would be a kids Christmas movie. (My kids are 8 and 10). I also thought Scrooge really mumbled so it was tough to understand what he was saying. We didn't like it.
Aaron Yodo
8. travnja 2020.
It is a touching story during Christmas Day, a day to share love and help toward others. That it is never too late to make changes. One of my favorite Christmas animated movies.
Marisela Intriago
15. veljače 2020.
No me gusta Porque La Esperienza Podía Haber Echo La 2º Parte Para Que Se Supere Mejor Como Frozen Esa Fue Superior Porfavor Pero Si Me Gusto La Pelicula Pero Porfavor Superen Está Película Como Avengers Marvel Ok Gracias Por Su Opiniones sobre La Pelicula Gracias A Todos Sus Comentarios ♻️