Disney's A Christmas Carol

2009 • 95 минут
1,88 мың пікір
Браузерден немесе қолдайтын құрылғылардан көріңіз Толығырақ
Сіздің тіліңізде аудио да, субтитр де қолжетімді емес. Субтитрі бар тілдер: ағылшын тілі.

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Ebenezer Scrooge (Jim Carrey) begins the Christmas holiday with his usual miserly contempt, barking at his faithful clerk (Gary Oldman) and his cheery Nephew (Colin Firth). But when the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet To Come take him on an eye-opening journey revealing truths old scrooge is reluctant to face, he must open his heart to undo years of ill will before it's too late.

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1,88 мың пікір
Xxaiden Knowlton
2019 ж. 23 желтоқсан
Although being basically an animated version of the story, and I mean word for word, I think a Christmas carol has a good mindset, but overall a only ok result. I was quite suprised for how dark the film was, but the story was quite scary itself. Jim carry plays an ok scrooge, although I don't get why you would cast him and not make him funny, but he's ok in this. Though not a bad film, an odd one to say the least.
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Andy Dauer
2020 ж. 23 желтоқсан
Animation was beautiful but it was dark, too scary for young kids under 8, couldn't understand a lot of the movie due to their thick accents, some really annoyingly long chase scenes and super annoying ghost of present laughing obnoxiously too long and felt like the payoff at the end wasn't as uplifting as would've liked. Overall none of us enjoyed this movie much but I could appreciate the amazing animation and realistic looking scenes.
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Nathan Murdock
2015 ж. 19 қаңтар
I just gotta come right out and say that I've been putting off this movie for a long time. Sure I liked the book but I thought a weirdly-animated cartoon based on it would suck. But once again, Disney proved its worth. The movie is dark but not too dark, scary but not too scary, funny yet still retaining its dark and brooding tone. Most of the dialogue is from the original book and even though some scenes such as the dark horse chase is awesome yet unnecessary, this is one holiday movie that rocks!
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