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Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story

2004 • 92 daqiqa
232 ta sharh
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Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, is a film that grabs life by the ball. Peter LaFleur (Vince Vaughn), is a charismatic underachiever and proprietor of a rundown gym called Average JoeÍs. The facilityÍs clientele of decidedly less-than-average Joes is made up of a self-styled pirate, a scrawny nerd (Justin Long) who dreams of impressing an unattainable cheerleader, an obsessive aficionado of obscure sports, a dim-witted young man, and a cocky know-it-all who, of course, really knows nothing. PeterÍs humble gym catches the eye of White Goodman (Ben Stiller), the power-mullet-sporting, Fu-Manchu-d, egomaniacal owner of Globo Gym, a gleaming monolith of fitness. White intends to take over Average JoeÍs, and PeterÍs non-existent bookkeeping is making it all too easy for him. A foreclosing bank has stationed attorney Kate Veatch (Christine Taylor) inside Average JoeÍs to finalize GloboÍs takeover of the gym. PeterÍs boyish charm wins her over and Kate joins his team of social rejects to beat the odds.

Reytinglar va sharhlar

232 ta sharh
13-fevral, 2015
Nur schade das es nicht Deutsch ist. Egal verstehe Englisch auch sehr gut. Also machte es fast kein Unterschied.
46 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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Sandro Wettler
6-yanvar, 2015
hab mir die schei... runtergeladen und ist nicht mal deutsch... na danke pringles
44 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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Lisa Lisa
23-yanvar, 2017
Muy buena.. La vi en la tele wn español pero la conozco y es muy buena
6 kishi bu sharhni foydali deb topgan
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