
2019 • 102 minutos
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The multi award-winning new crime thriller from heralded writer/director Matteo Garrone (Gomorrah, Tale of Tales), DOGMAN is the compelling story of a gentle family man driven beyond his limits, based on remarkable true events. In a dilapidated Neapolitan suburb, the pint-sized, mild-mannered Marcello (Marcello Fonte) runs the dog-grooming business of the film’s title, caring for the neighbourhood pooches, and raising his young daughter, Alida, for whom he’d do anything to spoil. But he’s domineered by one of his customers, Simone (Edoardo Pesce), a petty criminal and former boxer who throws his substantial bulk around this tight-knit community at every opportunity. Marcello soon becomes swept up in a criminal plan he wants nothing to do with.