Don’t Fall Asleep

2012 • 71 минута
1 рецензија
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За филмов

Janice and Sam have moved into their first house. Neighbors tell them stories about Isabelle, a former owner, who flew into a jealous rage and killed her husband and his lover in the house. Now, 50 years later, Janice has started sleep-walking and having visions of a wild German woman and blood, lots of blood. Janice can’t remember what she does when she sleepwalks. Is she responsible for new murders in the area? What other secrets does the house hold? Directed by Award winner and Emmy nominee Brent Roske.

Оцени и рецензии

1 рецензија
Karen Lehtinen
11 мај 2017
Don"t bother, I got halfway through and had no idea what was going on. It jumps around too much and leaves out important things so I was totally lost. I wasted 3.99 on this garbage.
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