
2005年 • 148 分鐘
76 則評論
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DOWNFALL tells the story of Hitler's last days in Berlin from Junge's perspective and is as close to being in the bunker as one can get. By April 1945, the enemy was at the gates. The Russian army is advancing on Berlin and defeat is inevitable. Hitler's moods range from defiance to delusion and others must decide whether to fight or flee, remain loyal or opt for self-preservation. Hitler ponders the fate of Germany whilst Braun parties like the last passenger on the Titanic, Magda Goebbels kills all her children, while Hitler takes advice on the most effective means of suicide. Directed with stunning intensity and admirable objectivity by Oliver Hirschbiegel (DAS EXPERIMENT). DOWNFALL breaks with taboos in portraying Hitler as a nefarious and seriously flawed man, but just a man nevertheless. 2004 Constantine Film Produktion GMBH


76 則評論
Alexander Brown
I watched this in parts on YouTube in the days before Google Play. So amazed that it's here and I can now watch it anywhere I please! Ganz is amazing as the Fuehrer, probably as close to the real thing as one can get, according to Ian Kershaw. 10/10 would recommend.
Tara Pulawski
Say what you want but Hitler was a killer and this is how they show him here, just psycho maniac in power
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I liked the atmosphere of impending doom that the director created. Every ten seconds someone would say that the Russians are coming. I also liked how the film started.