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Downton Abbey (Movie, 2019)

2019 • 122 minutit
155 arvustust

Teave selle filmi kohta

The worldwide phenomenon, Downton Abbey, returns in a spectacular motion picture, as the beloved Crawleys and their intrepid staff prepare for the most important moment of their lives. A royal visit from the King and Queen of England unleashes scandal, romance and intrigue that leave the future of Downton hanging in the balance. Written by series creator Julian Fellowes and starring the original cast, this grand cinematic experience will have you cheering for your favorite characters all over again.

Hinnangud ja arvustused

155 arvustust
Mr. Beans Rubber Ducky
31. jaanuar 2020
If you followed the series you might enjoy this, but it adds nothing new to the story, as a standalone movie it's averige a bit better then the current BBC lineup.
231 inimese arvates oli see arvustus kasulik
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P Pure
5. september 2021
After paying for it, I am not able to watch it. The screen show that “video is unavailable “ and there is nowhere I can get help for this.
23 inimese arvates oli see arvustus kasulik
Kas see oli teie arvates kasulik?
Deb Ireton
13. detsember 2021
Can only watch on my phone even after logging in in iPad….bought the thing, didn’t rent it….help please!!!!
Kas see oli teie arvates kasulik?

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