Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb

1964. • 94 минута
30 рецензија
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О овом филму

Psychotic Air Force General unleashes ingenious foolproof and irrevocable scheme sending bombers to attack Russia. U.S. President works with Soviet premier in a desperate effort to save the world.

Оцене и рецензије

30 рецензија
John m
1. мај 2021.
The end (sorry not sorry) ruined the movie and I'm talking about the title character played by Peter Sellers. It was the first and last time I attempted to watch anything by Kubrick or Sellers. I was very let down.
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Marco Garcia
2. октобар 2020.
Absolute brilliant comedy that covers and maintains 2 themes, one subtly, and one not so subtly. Sex and war, the 2 essentials of masculinity, which the film portrays beautifully. Things so commonly insignificant in film are subtly sexualized, like the opening credits, a fighter jet refueling another fighter jet mid flight, let your gutter mind get the best of you here. Give it a watch.
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Frederick Chavré
25. фебруар 2022.
A f**king good movie. Should be mandatory. So Russia threatens to use nukes if we interfere in Ukraine???
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