Dr. Terror's House of Horrors

1965 • 97 minút
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Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Titulky sú dostupné v jazykoch Angličtina a Francúzština (Kanada).

Tento film

As five men sit spellbound in a railway compartment, Dr. Terror predicts their fates using tarot cards. An art critic, Franklyn Marsh, is told that he will be tormented until blinded by the hands of an artist that he severs. A young architect will die at the hands of a beautiful widow who turns into a werewolf. Passenger Alan Freeman will discover a weed that strangles. Voodoo will kill a musician who dares to play forbidden music. A doctor's French bride will turn into a vampire. Each passenger wonders if his destiny can be changed. As the train pulls into a station, a paper headlines a train accident in which five passengers die.