Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story

1993 • 120 minút
361 recenzií
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Tento film

Jason Scott Lee and Lauren Holly star in this unforgettable glimpse into the life, love and the unconquerable spirit of the legendary Bruce Lee. From a childhood of rigorous martial arts training, Lee realizes his dream of opening his own kung-fu school in America. Before long, he is discovered by a Hollywood producer (Robert Wagner) and begins a meteoric rise to fame and an-all-too-short reign as one of the most charismatic action heroes in motion picture history. Hailed as "an immeasurably entertaining movie" by CBS-TV, Dragon is ablaze with comedy, touching romance and spectacular martial arts sequences.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

361 recenzií
Dan Saenz
17. septembra 2016
Linda Lee made Bruce look like a loser. She was in EVERY scene too. This film did not do the legendary Bruce Lee justice. It was incredibly cheesy. Typical of Rob Cohen movies.
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Kyle Boman
23. augusta 2014
I love this movie but I rented it and it froze on me and would never work again. I want my money back. I got ripped off. I want a refund ASAP
7 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
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Victor Ortega
1. júna 2021
This movie was so awesome on the big screen and getting to know what bruce lee was like in every moment of his art. Also a big bruce lee fan everybody in the world should check out all his classic movies.brandon lee was a good action star too check his movies
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