
2007 • 90 minut
205 recenzí
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Zvuk ani titulky nejsou k dispozici ve vašem jazyce. Dostupné jazyky titulků: Angličtina.

O tomto filmu

Dragon-like creatures from an ancient legend appear in Los Angeles, scale buildings, flip cars and terrorize the city in search for a girl named Sarah. While investigating one of the disaster sites, a TV reporter Ethan, uncovers a piece of debris which directly links him to this legend. Ethan must realize his destiny as an ancient warrior who was re-born to protect Sarah from the evil dragons and save the city from total destruction. (Original Title - Dragon Wars) © 2007 Younggu Art Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Hodnocení a recenze

205 recenzí
angry Demon666
4. prosince 2017
It's not that bad just some failure scenes I saw a lot of mistakes that where added in this way to short and way too competitive the graphics wherent that bad but it has some mistakes that need to be added there are no black Shadow's but there huge mistakes on this movie that don't make any sense the shaking screen is so bad the quality is really bad the story of a war we'll never come this show has deleted scenes of this movie just constantly keep on skipping it's a awful movie and I hope they we'll fix the shaking screen just because something's there that doesn't the screen should monsters vs humans I would give this a 1 out of 10 the enemy's however act like total retards it makes me mad
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Redbeard gaming
24. října 2020
The story and acting were not that great. The special effects were sub par but the dragons were pretty cool. Over all it was a good idea for a story, I just think it could have been done better.
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Jeff just Jeff
22. března 2015
If you're not on Fios, let the move start, pause it right after it starts, walk away for an hour, and then press play.
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