Ollie Cater
In danger of seeming a little style-over-substance, Drive dodges the pitfalls admirably and delivers a beautifully stylized, neon-noir thriller with all the exhilaration and character driven panache of all the films it sets out to pay homage to. Perfectly paced and shot with genuine virtuosity, it's an absolute triumph of a film. Gosling simmers as the monosyllabic anti-hero and immediately jumps to the top ten depictions of cool in cinema, and the rest of the cast are none to shoddy; each one catches every beat exactly on the money. Explicit and violent at times, but never crass and voyeuristic, Drive is peppered with extreme realism, delivered in the same stylized fashion that drives home (pun intended) the emotional punches that get thrown. This is a modern classic, and perhaps even a masterpiece.
mR mOjO rIsIn “Top Dawg”
one of my favourite movies of all time. the first time I watches it i thought it was good. Then i was thinking about it all the next day and wanted to watch it again. i have now brought it on DVD, Download and Blu-ray. I watch it regularly. Its not meant to be an action film. Its about the relationship between the characters and tence atmosphere, with brutal violence thrown in every now and again. For those warching it wanting an action movie, the trailer gave that impression but its wrong.
Alex Reid
I really love this film, definitely one of my favourites. I bought blu ray disk and digital copy lel. It's a shame the soundtrack isn't available as a digital download on the Google music store though :( Fantastic film though, love Ryan Gosling in this