Dune 1984

1984年 • 136 分钟
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Sensing that Paul Atreides, the son of Duke Leto, is the Kwizatz Haderach, a super-being, the Spacing Guild, which has a monopoly on inter-planetary travel, asks the Emperor to make sure that Paul dies. The Emperor sends Duke Leto, his family and his army to the water-starved planet Arrakis, known as Dune, where the life-prolonging spice "Melange" is mined. The Emperor goes in league with the evil Baron Harkonnen and the mythic drama unfolds: the murder of Duke Leto, the escape of Paul and his mother from the Harkonnen onslaught. But Paul gradually develops mystic skills and, allied with the desert people and mammoth sandworms they have tamed, defeats the Harkonnens. As the Guild had feared it, Paul Atreides is the man destined to bring the universe out of darkness.


Jim Grant
For it's time and bearing in mind the amount of material to cover this was a valiant effort. Some truly brilliant actors however, Kyle Mclachlan is totally wooden - a favourite of David Lynch's. The new Dune is a far superior film - although it will be in two parts which is how this should have been done.
Allan Maclean
A great effort trying to capture the spirit of the book, with some strange David Lynch moments that add to the movie. Obviously pretty dated now but stil a great, slightly surreal watch.
Steve Kennedy
Don't waste your time with the new one ..long drawn out .done in two parts so you can waste your money twice. Stick to original...