Easy Money

2012 • 124 minút
39 recenzií
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Tento film

Presented by Martin Scorsese, EASY MONEY is a fast-paced thriller from director Daniel Espinosa (SAFE HOUSE). Lower-class business student JW (Joel Kinnaman of THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATOO, TV's THE KILLING) falls in love with a sexy heiress while living a double life mingling with Stockholm's wealthy elite. To keep up the façade of his lifestyle, he's lured into a world of crime. Jorge is a petty fugitive on the run from both the police and the Serbian mafia. He hopes that brokering a massive cocaine deal will allow him to escape for good. Mafia enforcer Mrado is on the hunt for Jorge, but his efforts are complicated when he's unexpectedly saddled with caring for his young daughter. As JW ventures deeper into the dark world of organized crime, the fate of all three men becomes entangled, ending with a dramatic struggle for life and death. Based on the international best-selling novel "Snabba Cash" by Jens Lapidus.

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39 recenzií
Tyron C
4. júna 2016
Theyy forgot to add that the main character played Murphy in the new Robo Cop and he's in the netflix series House of Cards
Bolo to užitočné?
MiMi Grant
24. júla 2016
Joel Kinneman is fantastic with an awesome cast in this gritty Swedish thriller!
Bolo to užitočné?

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