El Dorado: City of Gold

2010年 • 89 分鐘
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Jack, Maria, and Gordon make it back to the agency where they meet with Ricardo, the head of the agency. He agrees to let them investigate a lead at the museum. After they leave, Grissom shows up and tries to get information out of Ricardo. When he refuses, Grissom kills him. At the museum, Jack, Maria, and Gordon find that the Quipa necklace of Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor, holds the clue as to the location of the treasure, but their research is interrupted by the arrival of Grissom’s men. After a harrowing chase, they escape and make it back to the hotel. When Jack goes out, Lupe, who works for Cesar, a Peruvian drug lord who was bankrolling the excavation where Jack’s friend was killed, kidnaps him. Cesar thinks Jack owes him a return on his investment and threatens to kill him unless he cooperates. Meanwhile, Maria and Gordon go to meet with Ricardo, but instead are captured by Mata and Grissom and reveal that the Atahualpa’s necklace is buried with the body of Pizarro. When Jack learns that Maria and Gordon are Grissom’s prisoners, he strikes a deal with Cesar. If Cesar helps him free Maria and Gordon, Jack will show him where the treasure is hidden. They need the information that Maria and Gordon were investigating about what was hidden in Pizarro’s grave. Cesar helps Jack rescue Maria and Gordon, but Jack double-crosses Cesar and escapes with his friends and the necklace. They make it to the location of the treasure and use the necklace to gain entrance. But Grissom, Mata, and Cesar are not far behind, and in the climatic finale, the ghosts of the Incas come to life to destroy those who would desecrate their tomb. Jack, Maria, and Gordon escape in the melee, as the enormous earthquake seals the treasure forever that levels the entire treasury room under thousands of tons of rock.