Richard Jewell

2019 г. • 131 минути
17 отзива
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Всичко за този филм

“There is a bomb in Centennial Park. You have thirty minutes.” The world is first introduced to Richard Jewell as the security guard who reports finding the device at the 1996 Atlanta bombing—his report making him a hero whose swift actions save countless lives. But within days, the law enforcement wannabe becomes the FBI’s number one suspect, vilified by press and public alike, his life ripped apart. Reaching out to independent, anti-establishment attorney Watson Bryant, Jewell staunchly professes his innocence. But Bryant finds he is out of his depth as he fights the combined powers of the FBI, GBI and APD to clear his client’s name, while keeping Richard from trusting the very people trying to destroy him.

Оценки и отзиви

17 отзива
Tony Aguib
3 април 2020 г.
Really good movie. Reminds us that authorities do get it wrong sometimes and media can sometimes assassinate innocent people. The cast was very good especially Paul Walter, and as usual Clint's work is exceptional. Watch it with open mind and you will enjoy it.
16 август 2020 г.
Brilliant movie in all respects - utterly transfixing acting underpinned by a compelling David and Goliath plotline; quietly dramatic but intense and satisfying to watch. Highly recommended for an intriguing and engaging piece of work!
11 април 2020 г.
A superb film by Clint Eastwood concerning the shameful treatment of the heroic security guard Richard Jewell who saved many people from death during a bombing in Atlanta and was later treated as a suspect for that crime. Hauser, Bates and Rockwell are outstanding.You have to seriously question why the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences did not nominate this film for an Oscar for Best Picture or Best Director. Perhaps it was for the same reason they snubbed his masterpiece Gran Torino.