Electric Slide

2015 • 95 daqiqa
10 ta sharh
R (17 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)
Veb brauzer yoki mos qurilmada tomosha qiling Batafsil
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

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Starring Jim Sturgess, Chloe Sevingy and Patricia Arquette. Based on the true story Eddie Dodson, a bank robber turned cult hero who robbed more than 60 banks in Los Angeles during the 1980s using only his good looks and charm.

Director: Tristan Patterson
Writers: Timothy Ford , Tristan Patterson
Stars: Isabel Lucas, Chloë Sevigny, Patricia Arquette, Jim Sturges

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R (17 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)

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