
2022 โ€ข 159 minutu
41 iritzi
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Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: alemana, arabiera, daniera, errusiera, esloveniera, estoniera, finlandiera, frantsesa (Frantzia), gaztelania, gaztelania (Latinoamerika), greziera, hungariera, ingelesa, islandiera, italiera, japoniera, kantonera, koreera, kroaziera, letoniera, lituaniera, nederlandera, norvegiera, poloniera, portugesa (Brasil), portugesa (Portugal), suediera, thailandiera, turkiera, txekiera, txinera (sinplifikatua) eta txinera (tradizionala).

Film honi buruz

A thoroughly cinematic drama, Elvis's story is seen through the prism of his complicated relationship with his enigmatic manager, Colonel Tom Parker. As told by Parker, the film delves into the complex dynamic between the two spanning over 20 years, from Presley's rise to fame to his unprecedented stardom, against the backdrop of the evolving cultural landscape and loss of innocence in America. Central to that journey is one of the significant and influential people in Elvis's life, Priscilla Presley.

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41 iritzi
Hilary Albutt
2022(e)ko abuztuaren 11(a)
Told from the corrupt, greedy, gambling addicted managers point of view. A man who directly contributed to Elvis's death. A Despot and despicable sociopathic nasty man. Ultimately a stupid one and if Elvis has not agree with the TV producer to do the TV special in contradiction to what the "Colonel's" instructions were, we most likely would have forgotten about Elvis by now. Elvis didnt need that blood sucking man. That said, Tom hanks's portrayal is brilliant and so is the lead playing elvi
Jason Day
2022(e)ko irailaren 27(a)
Baz Luhrmann presents Presley's career as one big, fun circus playground, albeit one strewn with a minefield of issues (manipulation, drink and drug abuse). It's wonderfully, lavishly staged, but with variable performances and is way too long. See the full review for more: bit.ly/ElvisFilm2022
Teresa Martell
2022(e)ko abuztuaren 18(a)
Omg I loved this from the start, the boy who played Elvis was great what a little mover he was . As for the grown up Elvis he was amazing the way he spoke he moved and sang . What a film .๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘