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2017 • 86 daqiqa
31 ta sharh
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

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When Body Image Activist Taryn Brumfitt posted an unconventional before-and-after photo in 2013 it was seen by more than 100 million people worldwide and sparked an international media frenzy. EMBRACE follows Taryn’s crusade as she explores the global issue of body loathing, inspiring us to change the way we feel about ourselves and think about our bodies.

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31 ta sharh
18-aprel, 2017
Loved it!!!!! So worth the support. We forget how to use our brains as we give into the "there must be something wrong with me". This movie is awesome and I can't wait to watch it again with my daughter! Thank you for making it!!!!!
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Khristina Williams
14-fevral, 2017
It's such an honor to be apart of Embrace and the Body Image Movement. Thank you Taryn for spreading such a positive message to women everywhere. #IHaveEmbraced
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Alex TW
31-mart, 2017
Well done, there's SO MUCH MORE TO be covered, but at least this is a good start! .... 1 Body Image Issue Film @ a time! :)
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