Empire of the Sun

1988 • 152 minút
4 recenzie
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Tento film

Internationally renowned director Steven Spielberg captures the powerful story of a sheltered young boy separated from his parents and forced to endure the ravages of war. Based on the autobiographical best seller by J.G. Ballard, this epic drama chronicles Ballard's remarkable struggle to survive a childhood filled with betrayal, death and disappointment trapped in Shanghai during the World War II Japanese occupation.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

4 recenzie
Wa Tif
1. augusta 2022
Amazing film .The emotions the actors portray in this movie are utterly believable. Shanghai docks to the war camp have ecsquisite scenery .Could not recommend more highly
Jane McKenna
8. októbra 2021
I've loved this "almost true to life" film. The story line could be realised from the war between America/Japan.